22. Mai 2013

| aus.gesprochen | speak.out |

| as if we never learned to speak |

communication is supposed to be easy these times but it truly isn't. it's like people don't want you to talk to them in person...leave me a message, send me a mail, find me on facebook, etc and if you play by the rules there's still no need to write/call back.

unfortunately i have to write these lines because i want some of my friends to think about it.
letting them know that they're sick. sick from a new religion. instead of folding hands they clasp their hands around their holy phones. sometimes i'm part of this confession as well but i think, therefore i am

I DON'T LIKE ANY RELIGION. i will accept it but move on...


i am not mad, i am frustrated...it's the overall situation that bothers me.

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